In this post, I want to review Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. Read my previous book review on What Alice Forgot by Moriane Moriarty. Milk and Honey was originally published in 2014. Which is almost 5 years ago, but did you know Milk & Honey has been on the New York Times Best sellers list for 3 years STRAIGHT! All the more reason to get into this great book then, shall we?!
Rupi Kaur
Rupi Kaur is an Indian-born Canadian writer, poet, performer AND illustrator. How Millenial right? I’m so proud! Anyway, Milk & Honey is her first book which is a collection of poetry. Furthermore, due to international demand, Milk & Honey has been translated into 25 languages. Rupi emigrated to Canada with her parents at a young age. She studied professional writing, and started to share her work on Tumblr and Instagram. I think a lot of people know Rupi from this controversial, but deleted post about periods. In 2017, Rupi Kaur blessed the world with her second book called The sun and her Flowers.
Milk & Honey
you must
want to spend
the rest of your life
with yourself

I think this one is crucial to every human being. A lot of people are on the look out for a perfect significant other. However, not a lot of people are focused on being that person to someone else or better yet: themselves. Furthermore, it reminds me of the fact that when people talk about love, they never talk about themselves? Instead, we always talk about what WE are looking for in someone else and what WE expect from them. Therefore, a friendly reminder that no matter whom you are surrounded with, you definitely will have to live with yourself. Whether you like it or not.
teaching girls
have been
taught your legs
are a pit stop for men
that need a place to rest
a vacant body empty enough
for guests but no one
ever comes and is
willing to

In a lot of cultures, women have been taught that they exist to serve men. In Senegal for example, whenever I hear stories about men repeatedly cheating in a mariage I always say that women should leave their husbands. However, most people tell me that ALL MEN CHEAT. So, even if you leave him, the next one will be a cheater as well. I then ask myself why would they think about the next one already? Why not stay single and figure out your life? Well, in Senegal there is a huge stigma on divorced women, especially when children are involved. In general, men are seen as the primary provider, and if there is no man nobody is providing so to speak. Even though this is a reality in a lot of other cultures, I do think that it is up to us to teach boys and girls differently.
being powerful
to be
to be

Often, people think that when people are soft or vulnerable, they are weak. However, I think being vulnerable is very courageous. It can be knowing there are certain things you are definitely uncomfortable with or afraid of, but doing them anyway. I can definitely see a lot of strength in that. For example, when you step out of your comfort zone, you are doing those things you usually would not do. I think that when it comes to being vulnerable and being tough, people put it on the spectrum of weak and strong instead of what they really are: vulnerable and tough. Not necessarily weak nor strong.
“your art
is not about how many people
like your work
your art
is about
if your heart likes your work
if your soul likes your work
it’s about how honest
you are with yourself
and you
must never
trade honesty
for relatability.”
– to all you young poets

I think that poems like these are very important, as a successful writer and poet, she is also encouraging other poets and writers. On top of that, she is telling us that art is not about the amount of likes, but whether we like our own work. Also it makes us look at ourselves and our work and actually think about whether we’ve been honest. I think that’s beautiful. Especially in this fast world we’re living in. People want too much instant gratification and are less focused on the longterm sustainability. I’m sure there are enough people on your instagram feed that are delivering relatability and dishonesty. Just think about it. Everything we do should be to express, and if it is to impress, we should only want to impress ourselves. Definitely not others.
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Do you love Rupi Kaur’s poetry as much as I do? Definitely check her out on social media! Rupi Kaur | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter I surely loved re-reading Milk & Honey and reflecting back on the book. Definitely check out my video below!
Senegalese Twisted | Youtube | Instagram | TikTok | Photography | Facebook | See you in my next post!