Today, I’m excited to share with you a side by side of a braid-out and a twist-out. Yes, it has been a while since I shared a hairblog. I believe the last one was when I wore my bantu knots in Dakar about a year ago. That aside, with quarantine I decided to keep myself busy and try something new! For reference, in a previous video, I showed you how I make my own aloe vera juice/gel. After this video, I definitely wanted to test the aloe vera and try out a braid-out AND a twist-out. Honestly, I actually love BOTH! Also, it has been a while since I updated you on my hair. Let’s get into comparing two of the most popular natural hairstyles, shall we?!
A braid-out is basically just a hairstyle that you wear after unraveling your braids. This hairstyle creates a natural ‘z’-pattern to your hair and you can style it in many ways. Another variation to a braid-out would be when you unravel cornrows. I usually just braid my hair in about 12 braids and unravel them the next morning. I definitely love the look of a big curly afro, so that is how I usually wear my braid-outs and my twist-outs.
Yes, you guessed it right! A twist-out is basically the same as a braid-out, but with twists. This hairstyle creates a natural ‘s’-pattern to your hair and, like a braid-out, you can style it in many ways. Just as with braids, there are many variations as to how you can achieve a twist-out. For example, you can do two-strand twists, three-strand twists or flat twists. I personally prefer doing three-strand twists because they creat much more volume and just look amazing. The picture below definitely depicts what I’m trying to say, just look at the texture!

Braid-out and twist-out
I definitely love both a braid-out and a twist-out. When it comes to braid-outs, I like how they are more stretched and make afro’s look bigger for example. And when it comes to twist-outs, I love how they usually give a more curlier look. Don’t get me wrong, I love both, yet they are very different. I know that I can achieve a good braid-out faster, as I usually have way less braids for a braid-out than twists for a twist-out. Also, sometimes, I combine a twist-out with braids. I’ll explain: whenever I do a twist-out, I usually start it off with a braid. I do this because the twist will seperate naturally in more sections thus making the result more voluminous. I definitely recommend both a braid-out and a twist out in combination with aloe vera!
aloe vera
This summer, I had a lot of time to explore with my natural hair. Using aloe vera was something I’ve always wanted to try, but never really got into. Mostly, because I never knew where to buy a big aloe vera leaf. However, with some determination, I found a shop that sells them. Therefore, I decided to try out both a braid-out and a twist-out using the gel I made. Using aloe vera was actually really fun! Although, I expected my hair to be still damp the next day, it was dry hours after applying. Which was great!

There are actually a lot of benefits to using aloe vera for your hair. It is very moisturizing, it has cleansing properties and can help with dandruff and inflammation on the scalp. Other than that, the plant contains a lot of vitamins such as A, C, E and B12 and you can also use it for your skin. Defnitely try to mix other oils and natural products with your aloe vera gel and explore!
Do you want to see how I used aloe vera to attain a beautiful braid-out and twist-out? Definitely watch the video I made and find out yourself!
I want to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! Definitely enjoy the holidays, but don’t forget to stay at home, wash your hands and wear your masks!
Senegalese Twisted | Youtube | Instagram | TikTok | Photography | Facebook | See you in my next post!