Today, I will bring a Senegal 2017-18 recap. Yes, I am in officially in the Netherlands and wearing much more clothing. I’ve had a wonderful time in Senegal, and I eventually stayed over a year. I’ve had the chance to do so many things! I got to see old friends, my family and I have met so many new, wonderful people. Let’s just get a recap of what I’ve done, ok?!
Work & projects

During my stay in Senegal in 2017-18, I have been able to work on so many unimaginable things. Although I was more focused on getting a job at the beginning, I soon realized it was time to step out of the box. And yes, I did get an internship at Tigo, but that job allowed me to do even more amazing things. I was able to introduce Food and focus also work more with video. Other than that, I have worked with local companies such as Lyvv Cosmetics and events like ELITE Senegal 2018 as a photographer and content creator. Other than that, I have made so many beautiful pictures. I’m so proud of myself!
networking & new friends

Going to Senegal allowed me to reconnect with old friends such as Fadieye and Youma. Also, it was a great opportunity to make new friends. I’m glad I was able to attend some events and connected with other Bloggers such as Agnès, Nihamo and Maya that are based in Senegal. However, the greatest thing was having the opportunity to do things in Senegal with friends that came during their holidays. At the beginning of my trip, I got to see my friend Amadiora who came from England and I ended my journey with hanging out with Oriane.

Even though I only left Senegal twice, once to visit The Gambia and the second time to go back home, I traveled a lot! Lol. Just to go downtown can be a whole trip. With Dakar’s traffic jams and embouteillages, a daily activity can end up a weekend away. All jokes aside, I’m proud of myself for figuring out the easiest ways for me to get to places. I’ve taken a lot of public transport, because I thought it was too easy sometimes to just take a taxi. Also, I think I might have been poorer sooner if I had taken a taxi everywhere. Another thing I’m proud of is the many times I traveled from Dakar to Podor and back on my own.
improving my Wolof & French

Normally, I would be ok with speaking French with my cousins and friends. Wolof however, was a little harder for me. However, My wolof was not good enough, and I had no idea how to formulate normal sentences without having my origins questioned. Staying in Senegal has been great for improving both my French and Wolof. It is crazy, I’ve met quite a few Dutch people that have lived in Senegal for over 20 years, but don’t speak Wolof nor French. Crazy, right!?
Senegal 2017-18 recap

Overall, I think that going to Senegal in 2017 is one of the best things I have done. Period. I have learned so much while I was there and nobody will ever be able to take from me. I have gotten really comfortable roaming around Dakar just fine on my own and with friends. I’ve improved both my French and Wolof, which I’m super proud of. I’ have met many new people, I’ve done quite some cool things and I’ve gotten a better outlook on what I would like to do next. And overall, I think that if you are able to learn from your experiences, you are a winner.
That was it for my Senegal 2017-18 recap! I definitely would love to go back one day and have a greater impact. Even though I have improved so much, I think that there is still so much to learn in order to make a greater impact. Don’t forget to check out the Senegal 2017-18 recap video!
Senegalese Twisted | Youtube | Instagram | TikTok | Photography | Facebook | See you in my next post!