In my last blog, I shared my adventures in Austria and today I will talk about traveling to Venice! Additionally, 5 Things You Need To Consider When Traveling During A Pandemic is still relevant. So, I went to Venice and I had such a beautiful time which I want to share. As some may know, I actually lived in Italy when I was a child. I used to live in Rome with my parents and my little sister was born there. While living in Rome, I went to a French-Italian school. I even used to speak Italian, but unfortunately, I traded that in for Dutch. Now 20-something years later, I find my way back in Italy and I visit Venice! Parliamo di Venezia! – Let’s talk about Venice!
Amsterdam to Venice
Not only did I go to Venice, but I went with my longtime online friend Bou! She was in Spain, but wanted to travel with me and we both agreed to go to Italy. Bou mentioned that she always wanted to visit Venice and I had never been either. We officially met at Schiphol Airport to make sure we took the same flight to Venice. We flew with KLM and the flight to VCE was only 2 hours. I have to say that our view from the plane was really amazing to look at! We saw so many different things such as forrests, very blue pools and also the alps. Honestly, the alps were the most amazing to look at!
We stayed in a neighborhood called Mestre, which is right outside the city center of Venice. As we planned to go to Rome with the train, we wanted to stay somehwere close to the Mestre train station. Mostly, because we didn’t want to wake up very early to catch the train to Rome.
Day trips to Venice island
During our stay in Mestre, we actually spent most of our time on the island Venice. First of all, there are so many canal streets, that we were not even able to cover all of them during our stay. What we did do is enjoy Venice differently each day, get our steps in and take amazing pictures and video’s for the world to see!
Piazza San Marco
The Saint Mark’s Square or Piazza San Marco in Venice is very popular and known. Also, Piazza San Marco has been the centre of Venice’s politics and religion and it is a symbol of the city Venice. In addition, it has quite a few buildings and monuments that are known world-wide and people really come all over the world to see it. Apparently, the different architectural styles blend together and form an integrated whole that is of historical and artistic importance. Hence why it is actually a World Heritage site. A few important places are the St. Mark’s Basilica, the Procuratie Vecchie and the Loggetta del Sansovino.

As I said many times while in Venice: if you ever have the chance to visit, definitely do so! The city and the island are very beautiful to look at and I cannot wait to share of my stay with you. What about you? Have you ever been to Venice, Italy or Rome? Let a girl know in the comments!

Senegalese Twisted | Youtube | Instagram | TikTok | Photography | Facebook | See you in my next post!