One of the first things I did when I came back to the Netherlands, was attend Fempreneur in the city. Fempreneur in the city is an event organized by (business) women, for business women. A few posts ago, I shared with you my journey on how I came to write about House of Notoire. I found out that Cynthia was participating in Fempreneur in the city while I was still in Senegal. Of course, it was a great way to finally meet her, so I went to the event. Below, I will share a lot more about the event and the speakers.
Fempreneur in the city

Fempreneur in the city is an event that highlights female entrepreneurship in the Netherlands. Other than that, it is a great platform to share personal and entrepreneural experiences of female entrepreneurs. Besides, it is also an opportunity for people who aspire to become entrepreneurs to network. Fempreneur in the city was hosted by Fadoua Alaoui and organized by Rosalinda of RNC Events. Furthermore, Amber van Leeuwen from The Social Good Girl was the key-note speaker and Sarita from New born baby spa and Cynthia from House of Notoire were part of a panel. Throughout the event, there was live music from 22xLoud and at the end a pitch was given by the three ladies of Women Got This (wgotthis). Let’s get further into it.
The Social Good Girl

The Social Good Girl Amber van Leeuwen kicked off Fempreneur in the city and shared with us her love for Instagram. She started off with the question: “How long does it take for you to attract 100 customers/clients?“. This question is important because it emphasises how time-consuming it is to transform your followers into actual customers. As opportunities of Instagram, she states shopping and influencer marketing. She explained about the differences between micro- and macro-influencers and how companies can use both for their marketing. What was interesting, was that Amber was also talking about the darker side of Instagram. For example, people becoming insecure because they constantly compare themselves to these perfectly marketed Instagram pages. She also shared that she does not allow herself too much time on Instagram. Overall, The Social Good Girl had some very insteresting points and insider tips.
House of Notoire & Newborn Baby Spa

The evening continued with a panel discussion where Cynthia from House of Notoire and Sarita from the first Newborn Baby Spa in the Netherlands shared their experiences. Also this was a perfect time to ask questions! All in all, Cynthia recommends knowing your target market and objectives in order to strategically implement Instagram for your business. Sarita on the other hands says that it is ok if you’re not comfortable with social media. However, seek help from people who are!
22xLoud & Wgotthis

Fempreneur in the city would not have been complete without an amazing girl group. 22xLoud, pronounced twenty-two times loud. They sang the night off. However, the night ended with a bang: a pitch provided by the 3 women behind Wgotthis. We got this/Women got this empowers, connects and highlight women and their stories. Check out the video below if you want to listen to 22xLoud and get a glimpse of the event.
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