A long while back, I went to Youssou N’dour at King Fahd Palace, here in Dakar. Since Tigo had some tickets left, we got the opportunity to go! It was amazing! Just like the White Party, it was a dinnerparty with live performances of Youssou N’dour and various Senegalese artists and comedians. We were invited, and of course: WE WENT! It is my first time going to Youssou N’dour. In this post, I will take you with me on this amazing night. Let’s get into the party!
Youssou N’dour

Youssou N’dour is famous internationally for his amazing success in music. In Senegal, he is one of the most important people in music and also in entertainment. Overall, when uncle Youssou has a concert, the building is ALWAYS packed. And so was it on this day. The event was actually meant for Tigo Business’ clients. However, the managers forgot to give them the tickets in time, so we got to go! I never went to see Youssou N’dour, but I grew up with his music, so I definitely wanted to experience this.
King Fahd Palace

Youssou N’dour was hosted at the five-star hotel King Fahd Palace at Corniche des Almadies. The party officially started at 22h, but of course, everything started way later. I actually went with my colleague and her husband. She went out to do her make-up and it was already fun to see how people prepare to see Youssou N’dour, haha. When we arrived at King Fahd, we thought we were so late, but in reality most people at our Tigo Business table, came after us. I definitely loved that we, the interns, all got to go and enjoy ourselves. Like Terrou-bi, King Fahd Palace is such a beautiful and classy hotel.
Dinner dancing and music

I thought that having a fancy dinner with live music was not really something I could enjoy. However, after the White Party last year, I was quite excited about this one. I cannot believe that I got to go TWICE. Anyway, before we got our food, there were various other artists opening up. We got to see a lot of speeches and video’s that brought awareness for different projects in Senegal. Which was interesting to see and hear about. I believe there were quite some people in the audience from the government, NGO’s and other stakeholders.
In between servings of food, we got up to dance to Youssou N’dour. I think that most people were more interested in dancing and the live music than the actual food or drinks. Which I understand! I have never been to a concert, but this is actually better. Check out the video to see for yourself!
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